Tri-Valley Repertory Theatre’s Next Act

Our Season:

JULY 12-27, 2025

Bankhead Theatre, Livermore

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OCTOBER 3 - 12, 2025

Village Theatre, Danville

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Join our creative team!

Join our creative team!

TVTC is looking for talented individuals to help us create theatre! 

If you are interested in joining our team in any creative capacity, let us know by clicking the JOIN US button below and filling out the form. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

Welcome to Tri-Valley Repertory Theatre's NEXT ACT,

Tri-Valley Theatre Company (TVTC)!

Our name has changed, but our commitment to bringing high-quality theatre to the community has not gone away. We are excited to present to you this NEXT ACT!

What's changing besides the name you ask? The biggest change comes in the form of our new Artistic Director and Board of Directors. We are thrilled to announce that Brian Olkowski will be our new Artistic Director and Glen Riggs will be taking over as Board President. You can meet our new team and check out their bios here on our website!

Please take a moment to read more about what is happening at TVTC. We would love your support! If you want to share your skills or time with us, please let us know on the DONATIONS page. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to TVTC, you can do that using the GIVE NOW button. Your help and support is needed and greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your support of the arts and your patience during this transition. We are excited for what is coming and can't wait to take you along on this journey with us!

Glen Riggs, Board President

Tri-Valley Theatre Company

(If you were on Tri-Valley Rep’s email list, we’ve got you covered!)